Sunday, January 13, 2013

Moon+ Reader Pro apk (cracked) 1.8.11

Standard functions:
• Full visual options: line space, font scale, bold, italic, shadow, alpha colors, fading edge etc.
• 10+ themes embedded, includes Day & Night mode switcher.
• Various types of paging: touch screen, volume keys or even camera, search or back keys.
• 24 customized operations (screen click, swipe gesture, hardware keys), apply to 15 customized events: search, bookmark, themes, navigation, font size and more.
• 5 auto-scroll modes: rolling blind mode; by pixel, by line or by page. Real-time speed control.
• Adjust the brightness by sliding your finger along the left edge of the screen, gesture commands supported.
• Intelligent paragraph; indent paragraph; trim unwanted blank spaces and lines options.
• “Keep your eyes health” options for long-time reading.

 DOWNLOAD free  moon+ reader pro 1.8.11 full version crack
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